Thursday 22 December 2011

health is the new black

i’m really inspired by seeing celebrities choosing health over drinking.  you see more photos of the likes of miranda kerr and heidi klum running together, and then when you hear about lindsay lohan out parting, she ends up in court... very un-glamorous.

i grew up thinking that after work you went home and had dinner and watched a movie, not that you went to a club or a pub.  with so much information about the negatives effects of alcohol, its no wonder that a lot of people are drinking less and less.

occasionally i like to have a drink with friends, but i’m starting to enjoy it less and less.  i love getting up early on the weekends and going for long bike rides or climbing up a mountain to see the sunrise, i love getting the absolute most out of my weekends and i always feel as though i’m wasting time if i’m lying in bed with a hangover.

here is a great juice that i like to make fresh which might help you over the silly season.  remember to take it easy, don’t overdo it and most of all i hope you all have a great time!

pineapple and ginger juice.

1 whole pineapple, cut the skins off
a little ginger, add more if you really like the taste.

put pineapple and ginger through a juicer and then enjoy.  you can serve with some ice for a refreshing drink in summer.

pineapple aids in kick starting the liver, and it also contains many essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin c, thiamine, vitamin b6, manganese, potassium, and magnesium.

ginger is a great remedy for nausea.

enjoy J

NK x


  1. I stumbled along you blog last night, I think that what your doing is so inspirational. Keep it up

  2. Hi Savannah,
    Thanks I'm glad that you are liking it. let me know if you ever have any questions.


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