Tuesday, 13 December 2011

day 7 - food journal

a cup of hot water and lemon before anything

breakfast – 2 x bananas, nectarine
snacks – nuts, spoonful of organic honey, and a kiwi fruit
lunch – quinoa and salmon slices
dinner – the left over avocado salsa from sunday nights dinner and some salmon slices

exercise – i rode to and from work today, which works out to be about 18kms all up and i burnt a little over 1000 cal. 
week one over and done with.  i can officially say that i have lost 3.4kg in the past 7 days.  days 2, 3 and 4 were the days with the most dramatic weight loss.  i expect my body weight will even out and come to its natural point in the next couple of weeks.
my skin feels amazing, and not just my face but all over.  it feels really soft and full of moisture.  i’m guessing this is from all the water i’m drinking plus the fact that all the natural foods that i’m eating have a high percentage of water content which would have a greater effect on my overall hydration.
i’m full of energy now, days two and three were defiantly the most challenging for me.  i had a headache all of day two and for the evening in day three.  i also have to say that my libido is stronger than ever.  i held off doing any exercise for the first week to let my body get used to the changes that i was making to my eating habits.  but i'm feeling as thought i am ok to start easing myself back into an exercise routine.

i hope that this inspires you just a little, and i urge you to give eating this way a go.  if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask, i’ll try to answer to the best of my ability.  just remember that this isn’t some diet that i’m doing for a few months, this is now my way of life.  and i’m going to maintain this lifestyle change as best i can for the next 358 days and beyond.

also for everyone out there thinking that they wouldn’t be able to eat very many foods, i’m putting a list together of all the foods that i think are acceptable to eat and i'll put some of the recipes that i'm using up for your reference as well.

going forward with health and love
nk x

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