Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Tips to curb your food cravings

Now that you know what type of food craving sums you up; let’s look at some ways to put a stop to those pesky cravings.

Now let me just say that it is normal for the human body to experience hunger from time to time.  It is also a normal response to feel a little hungrier when you have recently decreased your consumption of calories.  Now I know that it can seem like some sort of an emergency when you feel hungry, it feels like you are dying or wasting away, when in fact, the body is just saying that it doesn’t have enough calories to add new fat to the fat stores its already carrying around.  The firs feelings of hunger are really more of a false alarm than anything to be concerned about.  At least from a logical point of view, but who uses logic when their hungry?

These foods will suppress cravings without hurting your waist line; most of it really comes back to common sense.  And you’ll see that all the options are healthy and unprocessed.  It’s about letting your stomach think you’ve just filled it with something full of calories, when in fact you have filled it with something that is healthy and nutritious.

Drink Water.  Water is the best appetite suppressant.  You should try to drink a glass of water when you first start feeling hungry.  You should find that it suppressed your appetite in nearly every case.  I know that if I drink a full glass of water and then wait 10 minutes, most of the time I find that my hunger pang has gone completely.

Munch on some Green Veggies.  Why not eat some spinach, or lettuce or even bokchoy.  All this green goodness is full of nutrients, and you can eat as much of it as you want.  I like to drizzle some organic apple cider over some spinach for an afternoon snack.  It’s easy for work because it doesn’t make as much mess as eating crackers or biscuits or chocolate at your desk.  Why not cut up some celery or even some capsicum if munching on lettuce just isn’t your style.  The crunch that chewing on these green veggies will satisfy any salty craving.

Green Tea Time.  Sip on some green tea.  It is packed full of natural antioxidants and really helps to supress your appetite.  It’ll give you an energy kick as well from the small amount of caffeine.  If you’re sick of green tea, why not try white tea.  White tea is has more antioxidants than its green friend minus the caffeine kick.

Get Some Fresh Air:  Go outside and get some fresh air.  If you’re at work, instead of having your afternoon coffee, why not take a brisk walk around the block.  I know that if I’ve had a busy day at work, and 3pm has rolled around and all I can think about is chocolate, I take myself outside and go for a brisk walk around our block.  I’m out for about 5mins all up and I come back feeling refreshed and ready to take on the last two hours of my day.

Eat a piece of Fruit:  Don’t be worried to have a piece of fruit.  Try to pick organic where possible.  But there is nothing better than eating a delicious peach in the afternoon, and while they are still so fresh and in season there is nothing better, not to mention it will satisfy your sweet tooth without all the extra calories that a chocolate bar or a handful of lollies would give you.  While I’m on this topic I get so angry when people say “you shouldn’t eat fruit because it’ll throw out your diet” I have seen people take on the advice of not eating the fruit, but then they’ll reach for a bag of all natural confectionary lollies!!!! Where is the logic in that?  Choose the fruit every time.

Hope this helps you beat those pesky cravings


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