Thursday, 2 February 2012

food journal - a realization

Ok, so my goal of eating only unprocessed foods for 365 days was a little unattainable.  But I’m still enjoying this journey.  Since I started eating this way I have officially lost 6kg, my skin is clearer and brighter and I have energy like there is no tomorrow.

I like to think back to the weekend that I did the juice detox, I drank nothing but juices on Saturday and then Sunday morning, I got up and went for a huge bike ride, I really didn’t think that I would have the energy to go as far as I did, but I felt great, I felt better than if I had had a big pasta meal for dinner the night before.  Eating a giant meal of pasta made me feel heavy not light and full of beans.

I just want to clarify with you that for 90% of the time I still eat unprocessed, clean food.  It’s just if I go out for dinner, I still order the best thing on the menu for me, the least processed meal, and I’m just not worrying so much about the sauces that might come with that meal.  It just means that if my partner and I want to go and get gelato from the new little Italian grocers down the road, I’m not going to say absolutely not, but yes I can have this once in a while.  So essentially I’m giving myself two meals a week that might not be as clean.  But I’ll never go back to having a super creamy pasta dish, or eating heaps of chocolate biscuits, that stuff still makes me feel awful.

Ok so here’s what my food journal looks like today:
Breakfast: 1 handful of fresh cherries
Snack: nectarine, snack dates, 85% cocoa green and black’s organic chocolate (about 3 squares)
Lunch: avocado
Dinner: quinoa with goats cheese
Desert: banana ice cream (its sooo hot here today and i needed to cool down)

Exercise: rode to and from work, 15 min pilates :)

Watch this space also, I'm working on 10 min Pilates video sessions, hopefully will launch the videos this sunday - yay!

NK x

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