read a lot of gillian mckeith’s books a while back, a lot of the information
that she presented stuck with me and i found that her methods really work for
me. one thing that she does when she
first meets someone is she analyses them physically. not just in the normal ways but by doing a
stool analysis and a tongue diagnoses.
now the stool analysis thing is interesting, but i’ll leave that one for
a little bit later…
i really wanted to
talk about the tongue diagnoses. looking
at your tongue can show deficiencies that you probably never thought about, it
can be a real reflection of your health.
go and look at your tongue, look at it now, and also try to look at it first
thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything. this is the tongue test:
1. does your tongue
have a line down the middle?
2. does your tongue
have teeth marks round the side?
3. does your tongue
have a bright red tip?
4. is your tongue
5. does your tongue
appear dotted all over?
if you answer yes to a
question, it could mean:
1. weak digestion. you may feel bloated and suffer from gas and indigestion. a
strong digestive system is important for nutrient absorption. i would suggest
food combining for a eight weeks. keep meals simple, and eat ingredients that
are particularly good for you - brown rice, avocado and tofu.
2. spleen weakness and nutrient deficiencies. your spleen is your
energy battery and may not be taking up nutrients as effectively as it should.
symptoms can include feeling tired all the time, gassy and bloated.
3. emotional upset or bodily stress. either way, you will
need b vitamins to calm it all down.
4. vitamin b6 deficiency, and low niacin and/or iron levels. drink nettle or
dandelion teas and eat foods rich in vitamin b6, including sunflower seeds,
brown rice, buckwheat and avocados.
5. liver stagnation. in western holistic medicine, we think
of the liver as the organ of detoxification. when it is overworked, it may
perform sluggishly. foods that support the liver include kohlrabi, broccoli,
cauliflower, flax seeds, hemp seeds and sunflower seeds. nettle and dandelion
teas can help, too.
so how did your tongue
test go??
NK x
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