Tuesday, 10 January 2012

sushi rocks!!

before rolling :)
i really love sushi, and before i flushed out all the toxic and rubbish food from my life, i used to eat it 2/3 times a week... not very good, considering majority of the sushi is pretty much a chicko roll rolled in seaweed.

my man has been dragging me along to sushi bars still and i am getting sick of eating sashimi, don't get me wrong, i love sashimi, but it can get quiet repetitive.  i still get a little buzz of excitement when i see a soft shell crab roll come past me on the train, but i reluctantly decline and stick to my raw fish.

i decided that enough was enough, tonight was round one of home made sushi, the healthy way.  i zipped off to coles when i got home and bought the nori (seaweed paper), some avocado, mushrooms and some fresh goats cheese. (by the way I'll eventually get to why you should completely ditch all dairy out of your diets and get on the goat band wagon).

Here we go...

nori (seaweed paper)
mushrooms, use whatever type you like
1 clove of garlic
a squeeze of fresh lemon juice
salt and pepper
a little coriander
goats cheese

to make
- i started by cutting the mushrooms into strips
- then put the mushrooms into a medium heat saucepan with about a tablespoon of water and the crushed garlic, saute the mushrooms until they are soft, keep topping up the water a little so that the mushrooms don't stick to the pan (don't go crazy with the water though you don't want to drown them)
- while thats sauteing scoop out the avocado into a small bowel, add the lemon, salt and pepper and coriander, add the last three ingredients to your own taste and then mash that all together
- take out the mushrooms and place on a spare plate
this is the best that my iphone could do
- take out a sheet of the nori and place on a bamboo sushi mat
- scoop the avocado mash onto the nori, and start to spread evenly over the nori, leaving a 1cm space around the edges
- place the mushrooms along one edge of the avocado paste, and then crumble a little of the goats cheese on top.
- lets start rolling, lift the front of the bamboo mat closest to you, with the mushroom and goats cheese and begin to roll the sheet tightly.  apply gentle pressure to join the edges of the nori, the avocado helps to keep it stuck together
- then slice, i found that its easier to run the knife under boiling water and then slice while its clean, the seaweed does go a little soggy so get to it as quickly as you can to cut it up.

ta da!  and i've eaten my dinner and let me tell you i loved it!  give this a go, next time your pining for sushi and you wont be disappointed.

NK xx

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